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I've got a shaw's card hanging from my keychain

yeah, I've paid my dues

made my mark if you will.

I've sat in empty bars

jotted notes on napkins

hoping to find some salvation

and i've found it,

oh, I've found it in the ruble

i've found it in the lives of my brothers and sisters

then i found that like the lives of my brothers and sisters

it was cancelled

my solace crumbled to the ground

leaving an empty carcass of sarcasm

and pretentiousness

now i find i'm lost

so long it took me to be found and free

and so quickly it's gone again

gone, empty, black death

of twenty thousand souls we cared nothing for

'till they were taken from us.

they've left me lost again

wondering how i can move

wondering how i can get out of bed

go to work, open a book, write

I can't write amist this torent

of dispassionate realization

I joke to forget

tomorrow i'll go back to class

I'll try to forget that a building came down

i'll try to forget that while almost losing a brother

i did lose so many others

i lost so many souls today, souls that i had

never met, a soul in there that i could have loved

someone i could have hated

someone that may have worn a dress

one day that reminded me of my mother

someone who may have said two words

that brought me back to the days

when we were all free

when we were all alive

when we were all in control.

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2001-09-13 mike's poem
mike's words

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
