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ancoras international - vintage goodies


music: the impossibles

::yawn:: good morning.

i actually made it to work on time this morning. i feel the need to pat myself on the shoulder.

i had a hard time kicking the blankets to the side when the alarm clock went off, if you know what i mean. i only had 15 minutes to get ready and leave for work. so, i used my bedhead to my advantage and did my hair in a cute little mod look, headband and all. very


music: the dismemberment plan

ok, so i had a rough night last night. i was feeling very depressed and withdrawn and ended up breaking plans with paul. that was a bad move. #1, upsetting him is bad news, i like this boy far too much to cause him any unneeded stress/pain. ick. #2, he alwys cheers me up, it would have done me good to be close to him...he always makes me smile; he makes everything okay. he is something else. ::swoon::

#3, i ended up drinking/popping pills and passing out. yeah that was stoopid. all i need is a reinactment (sp?) of august 2000...ambulance anyone? not good. weak = bad, and that was weak a spinachless popeye.

i should work on this arts calendar this morning, but i am so not in the mood.(i'm at work, btw) instead, i shall enjoy this fabulous mixcd that krizteen lovingly made for me, rehydrate myself with lots of poland springs h20, and play around on the internet. yay for cubicles.

more later.

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2001-09-24 9:23 a.m.

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
