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lex designs
hosted by diaryland
ancoras international - vintage goodies


music: chomsky

i've noticed that many people walking down congress street look like they are crying or have been crying. odd.

during my lunch break, i:

-visited vintage shops for halloween costume (jackie o).

so far i have picked up: sunglasses, gloves, jacket, dress, pearls.

need: pillbox hat, possibly better dress, purse, shoes.

-finally asked cute photogenic looking girls at vintage shop to pose for portfolio pics. one of them said yes, other said no, stated that she is so not photogenic. and i found out that joy no longer works at monroe saltworks, so i have no idea where to find her to ask her to pose. phooey.

need to do:

-fill out new ap for MECA so i can start classes in the fall. i'm going to stay in maine for a few more years.

-call and make appt for my vehicle to be fixed (crap is falling apart).

chomsky....unnnnnnnnnnng this cd makes me happylike.

"he's done a lot of searching, won't try anymore to find what's in store."

people tend to pick their noses while driving. another odd phenomenon. (i spelled that incorrectly.

oh! look at me! i'm cool! i lost my license...::grump::

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2001-10-12 1:21 p.m.

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
