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Worst night of sleep over. Not only did I have a horrid dream about Paul and Andra doing it in my haunted mansion while I was out shopping for Doc Martens for Paul's birthday, but Linus slept on my left foot. Also, adding to my discomfort, I awoke with a ferret wrestling with my toes and attempting to scale the heights of my leg, into my sleeping pants. When I went to crab that long rat-like creature, she attacked my hand out of fear. I carried her out into the kitchen, put her in her cage with a giant, crusty teddybear for her to harrass for a bit, then crawled back into my bed, or should I say, Linus's bed, for a few hours of crusty-nosed sleep. Shoot me in the face.

When I awoke this morning to both of my telephones ringing, I was dizzy beyond belief. Apparently, I forgot to take my meds before attempting sleep last night. There was a reason for skipping the pills, but I forgot. So.....I stand up, toss the phones around for a bit, then topple over. So graceful.

Today should be first day of unemployment. I get to excavate

my trusty VW out of a snowy cavern, go clean my desk out at the office, go to the gym, and sign up for kickboxing.

Note for the sweet boy in my life:

You are so fabulous. And you know this. XoxoxoxoxoX

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02.01.02 11:23 am
worst night of sleep. ever.

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
