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the emoporn site is fabulous, thanks to brian. emoporn is taking off big time. rawk.

i woke up at 12:30 today. how terribly unmotivated and lazy of me. i think i am in a laid back mindset this week because i know that i am back to the grind of biddeford animal hospital starting monday. i've missed tha tjob a lot. i'm quite pleased that mounir decided to hire me back. this time, i am going to appreciate the job i have, even though the pay isn't nearly as lovely as the pay was at the maine times. oh well. money isn't everything, after all. having a job that i love is much mor rewarding than a huge paycheck.

there are beautiful white tulips staring me in the face as i type, thanks to paul and his valentine's day sweetness. also, there is a tiny golden bag containing three balls of chocolately/raspberry orgasm sitting on my coffee table, just waiting to meet my mouth. thank you, boy.

with my curtains wide open, letting in the days light, i sit here thinking about what i shall cook for dinner tonight. i am making dinner & dessert for some friends tonight before we go to the movies. i'm not sure what we will see, but i am hoping it will be comical. i am in the mood for a good laugh.

also, i am contemplating a haircut (again). i cannot decide if i should let it grow until the summer months, like i normally do, or get that cute little hairdo again. hmmm. decisions, decisions. i am leaning towards the haircut option in hopes that i will look nice and presentable for my first day on the job.

xjackie o cutx or long, silky, and wavy? we shall see.

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02.15.02 3:10 pm
jackie o.

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
