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jeff took me out last night. by took me out, i mean he paid for my cab to the pub and lent me money for drinks. i have no check has yet to be deposited. i had planned to sit home and write, but instead i consumed shipyard & baja rosa with donna, theresa, jeff�, ted, jen, and some random bar patrons. fun stuff. donna, theresa and i ended up showing some skin, but that's nothing new....put a little alcohal in us and prepare for some nipples, right? hachie machie.

jeff moved into his new place today. rad rad. he even went as far as to buy himself some domestic necessities...dishes, a telly, flatware, etc. i'm impressed.

i think i get to see brian again on monday? oh so wonderful, i miss him lots. its been 2+ weeks :(( i'm going to kick his ass when i see him, though. he has been picking on me a lot lately. you'll get yours, mr. larue

time to go play with the kitties. they are laying in the sun...totally irresistable!

xoxox to you.

music: off the top, denali

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06.01.02 6:23 pm

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
