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i have a fine crop of pimples sprouting on my chin. umm hi? i am nearly 27 and i have to worry about pimples once a month. i say fuck you, hormones f u c k y o u.

in other news...

today i throw the couch out. yes, i'm going to toss the lovely green flipnfuck i have in my bedroom. you see, i have had this couch since my first apartment. mind you, i have two other couches in my apartment, so it is not like i NEED this famed green Pier 1 foam couch. but oh, this couch has seen it's days. movie nights in the living room with nick, drunken friends passed out after one of my fantastic parties, angry nights spent on it when we didn't want to sleep besides one another, random sexcapades during my 20th year. (oh how "free" this girl was...yikes.)

last week, nick and i took a boxcutter to it and cut off the bed portion of it, dragged it into the living room, and he slept on the "sleeping square" for a good week.

there is a big, scentless water stain on the underside of the cushions. it looks rather pee-like, to be honest with you. i don't even want to know who might have done that. yeah.

so yes, after being torn apart and used as a scratching post for the past five years from my lovely feline friends, i have decided to part with it.

it is almost entirely styrofoam inside, so taking the boxcutter to it again may leave us with a large pile of couch. we will pile it into the sizable truck of nick's chevy caprice and transport it to the DUMP.

bye bye, green couch.

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10.27.02 10:34 am
flipnfuck goes byebye.

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
