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this morning i woke up in my typical clouded mindstate. i opened my eyes at 8:15 am. to my left was the usual pile of cats, and to my right, my exboyfriends alarm clock, winking at me with its green eye, reminding me that he isn't sleeping beside me anymore.

I rose to my feet and tip-toed over to my PC and left some 'good morning' greetings to my friends who use AOL instant messenger. The usual people doing the usual morning things....heather prettying herself up for one of her classes at umaine, matty still asleep in his bed so close to his computer, bill watching courtroom drama on fox, nathan's melodramtic away message, voicing some self-defining random phrase, and angie gone to work to catch the bad guys. me, i'm wasting time, waiting for something exciting to come up or for a phone call from one of my many job prospects. (i am looking for a second job, a daytime job.) mornings like these make me wish i had signed up for classes this semester. this time next year, i will be in buffalo, wishing i had more free time. i sure do know how to bitch.

my shower cleaned me up nice and pretty, the crusties in my eyes have disappeared. my toenails and fingernails need manicuring badly, but i have no desire to paint them. ahh, i will just stay with the ghetto nails...not ghetto fabulous, but just plain silver-colored, chipped-nail-polish, welfare-ghetto-style. yeah.

so to the dog park i go, with my dog whom i left with my mothers when i moved out nearly 5 years ago. i hope she does't get all aggresive and attack the littler dogs like she has proven to me is a past-time of hers. a little fat beagle attacking a whiney yorkshire terrier. what excitement my morning will possess.

more later.

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2001-01-26 16:41:29
ghetto nail polish

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
