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ancoras international - vintage goodies


with an innate desire to be intimate and understood, i feel myself growing anxious inside. i feel the constant need for his love, the way he used to offer it to me. i remember things in a more positive light then he does, i think he only remember the end, the bad, the fights. he is still inside of that crackled shell of a person, and i see glimpses of it at the most random times.

on a bench in front of the pet store in the local mall, we sat down with our yummy godiva treats and tiny cups of strong, fiery coffee. he eats his dark chocolat truffle and licks the cocoa from his fingertips. he watches my smile as i taste the raspberry truffle. he looks comfortable and secure for once, i haven't seen that in his eyes for months. we walk around, looking in storefront windows for plastic hippos and pints of Shipyard.

more later.

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2001-02-01 17:02:29
mmm, godiva

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
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soft copy - 08.18.04
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