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I no longer want to call you one of my best friends. You are more like one of my near-enemies. Err, my only enemy. You show no mercy. You are being an evil, selfish, manipulating child and I see not why I should waste even an attempt at a breathe to save whatever it is between us. It is a cruel game you play, and you are very weak indeed for not being able to show some balls and talk realisticly. It is unbearabley ridiculous and my stomach turns at the idea of you treating me the way you have. I have wasted 4 years of my life on you, and it is disturbing and disgusting. You are a pathetic excuse for a human being lately, and it is utterly embarrasing to admit that I love you. I am one of the stupidest, most pathetic human beings alive for ever having faith in your soul like I have, and I feel like the biggest idiot ever for ever attempting to trust your humanity. You are one of the weakest, most dangerous people I have ever even heard of exsisting. You are cold hearted, in a dream world, and completely out of your mind. You are selfish, ugly at heart, and extremely unworthy of my friendship. I have put so much on the line so many times for you, and I am stupid for doing so. I should have never even given you a second look when you brought me that muffin back in 1997. I should have gone with my first instinct and completely ignored you. I should have played a mean game with your heart, and I should have hurt you instead of you hurting me like you have. You absolutely ruined my heart and soul and mind, and because of your wicked ways, I will never love again and I will never trust another soul. You are the devil in disguise and I wish nothing but the worst for you and your evil, cold soul. You are a beast and you deserve every ounce of hurt that is boiling within you. YOu do nothing to fix your problems, you jsut attepmt to party them away. I think you are a foolish, homily ogre and I will pray each day for your pain to swell inside. I hope you hurt like you hurt me, I hope your heart feels like this. I hope you find the true meaning of love and it bites you in the ass witha smile like you did to me. I would love to watch you burn, Nick. You are evil at it's best and you deserve nothing short of vivid, colourful torture. I would warn the world if I could....they is a devil on the loose and his name is Nick Duquette.

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2001-08-27 2:11 p.m.
devil duquette

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
