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i'm too in touch with my emotions, i think it's the lack of stimulation for me around here. i've lived in one place for far too long. i see so much more available to me & a much more illumating life in a place of more culture and what not. i need to take off by myself for a while, and not stay buried in the abyss of all that is soap opera-esque. the majority of the people i spend my time with are shallow and boring. i know that's awfully snobby of me to say, but...unggg.

eh, i need a complete lifestyle change, blah. i'm just b.o.r.e.d with the bar scene and all my married, clone-like friends. we've all grown up together and it now they just seem dull...bllllaaaaah. same old shit all of the time with people who do nothing but bitch.

i'm definately moving.

last entry next entry

2001-09-01 4:30 p.m.
i've seen all i want to see

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
