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on my way to work this morning, i noticed something was missing. it was the overhead planes, of course. they are normally so loud, like a weirdly pleasant waking ritual i have. once i get to danforth st., i am much more alert and awake, thanks to the soaring engines. this morning, there was nothing. when i opened my sunroof to enjoy the man-made thunder, i was left with nothing but thte rattle of my exhauast and the smell of salt.

i still have not seen a pigeon in the city. normally, i speed up behind them while walking the 3 blocks to my office. i like to harrass them, in the most playful way, of course. don't get me wrong, i give them a piece of my sandwich or bagel everyday. i heart them. and they are nowhere to be seen.

matt says it's because they are all in my chinese food. i think that they are hiding. they know what's up.

i keep imagining those people on the planes, and the fear they must have felt in their last minutes. the people in the trade center, too...seeing these planes heading towards them? it's just unimaginable.

this isn't something i ever wanted to experience in my generation has lost its innocence. i was reading some recent entries in other diaries this morning...what is going to happen now?



1)my face looks like it was pecked and attacked my a terradacyl

2)i'm having a fatty day

3)i'm tired and bored, but must stay at work because i have to train this guy eric, if he ever shows up

4)i must finish my brooks essay, etc after work

5)i should really put togther my bookshelf. 40 books fell on my head the other night while i was digging outmy kama sutra book.

6)i should really go to the beach tonight, after i get all of this done, and spend some time with paul.

work calls. maybe i'll burn down my cubicle.

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2001-09-12 11:26 a.m.
laptops & aeroplanes

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
