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i didn't even come close to finishing my little list from the previous entry. bah. i am such a slacker.

i developed this wonderfully huge headache from the linen spray i misted on my sheets. (yes, i did manage to finish a few chores: change my bed, do my dishes, clean the closet a little bit, cook myself dinner, plant some cat grass, and pretty myself up. so i am still going to go to the bob dylan show. hahah)

so, here i sit with this headache, watching ricki lake and trying to bite off the little inflamed taste bud which lives on the end of my tongue. i hate it. fck off, tongue.

weirdest thing: aisian people with southern accents.

for some reason, i find bisexual men attractive. not that i want anyone but boyfriend, but i just find the idea appealing.

time for a small nap, then the show with jeff, cheryl and some weird grls husband.

more later.

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11.23.01 4:46 pm
unproductive friday

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
