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hosted by diaryland
ancoras international - vintage goodies


the club across the street plays the same techno bullfuck every thursday night. at one point last year, i would go over there with cheryl and gretchen, get drunk and shake my ass just so i didn't have to feel my apartment shake courtesy of dj suckmydick. tonight, i'll just turn up my speakers and stuff my neighbors ears full of atmosphere.

"i'm surprised more of yall don't get hit by cars, missing your surroundings, staring at the stars."

my mood is a fiery one. my eyes are squinty and dry. it's about time to ditch the contacts and don the glasses for a week or so. these corneal units need some fresh air.

dj clue needs to shut his fucking mouth.

so often i download some hot 50cent or whatever, and i'm lamping all stoned and whatnot, and out of the fucking blue comes 'STREET SWEEPER....DJ CLUE.'

knock that shit off, please.

some of today's events:

-work up early. went to work early out of guilt for missing a shift last night.

-dealt with self-induced hangover until about 2 pm.

-put 8-week-old surrendered kitten to sleep because it had a broken leg and my boss was being worthless. "too much work for too little revenue."

-toby meyer died.

-sat outside and drank shipyard with melissa while watching the raina nd lightening for 3 hours after work.

-decided that i am dehydrated.

-burned 3 cds: cat power, go sailor, and mixcd for greg. [english friend/foe for past 6 years. see below]

-sniffed around trying to find the mystery kitten poo.

-had a daydream about this place:

don't ask...because i don't know. i suppose it's because it's in boston?


time to sleep.

music: joyful girl, ani difranco

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05.31.02 12:29 am
bigger than guns, bigger than cigarettes.

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
