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this is sort of creepy of me, but i am going to post a piece of an email i sent to a friend a few minutes ago.

i figure someone from my childhood might read it and remember how fantastic things were on the Old Salt Road.

"it would be fantastic to be able to see the world as we did as children.

i grew up a few blocks from the ocean on a dead end street. everyday smelledlike the sea.

my (still) best friend tina ruggles and i used to pretend the paved road was the sea. we would divide the 'sea' with this old gaudy gold and rose quartz broach my mother bought me at a garage sale. the neighbor boys, steve fontaine and brian morin, were the pirates and would steal the jewel. i was known to kick brian in the nuts from time to time. across the street from my parents house, there is now a complex of condos. i was about 10 when they cut down the acres of the long grasses and paved the entire place. i remember crying and feeling as if they took away a piece of our little kingdom. still, when i'm visiting my parents, i walk the dogs out behind the condos and kick over logs hoping to find salamaders and potato bugs."

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01.02.03 11:30 pm
rose perfume

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
