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i'm sitting on the floor of felice's living room, typing on bill's laptop. i really don't type well on these things. please excuse the typos - i apology in advance.

i'm hungry. my stomach growls and my throat is dry. i want to smoke a cigarette, but i'm too lazy to go back outside.

i laid around sick today, as i spent too much time in the sun over the past few days. my skin is cherry red and tender, despite the multiple applications of SPF 18. i watched a few dvds while laying in bed this morning:

1. maid in manhattan

2. talk to her

what a combination, right? both were entertaining, but in completely different ways, of course.

nick and i have been at each other's throats lately...i think it's because we both quit drinking. luckily, we get over things quickly and end up laughing at ourselves shortly after tiffs.

random note:

i have been thinking of a certain someone quite a bit today. i don't know what it heart/brain/soul just want me to know something, it seems. i never know which one to listen to.

in other news, my weight loss has reached 17 lbs. i'm pleased with this. i feel much better, both mentally and physically.

mmmmhmmm...time to go upstairs and sleep in the guestroom. let's hope it's not too hot up there.

if you are reading this, just know that i'm thinking of you.

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06.27.03 11:42 pm
brown and blue

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
