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my eyes are leaking tonight. rosa had what we believe were seizures and is spending the night at the emergency clinic. i'm so sad and worried, i don't even know what to do with myself.

sure, she is 'just a dog' but that animal is my best friend ever. i spend 24 hours a day with her... she works with me, sleeps with me, comes to friends houses with me, goes to the beach with me, etc. i can't imagine not having her around.

it's so weird and quiet here without her. i'm used to her nuzzling up to my leg while i type on this laptop. instead, she is in a cage in portland with an IV in her little leg.

she was still out of it when i left the clinic. she looks cold and sad and i had the worst time leaving her there. at least she is in the hands of professionals, tho i'm not fully confident in the knowledge of the support staff... they seem under-educated and unsimpathetic. the doc was okay, but he's no vicky. tomorrow i will pick rosa up in the morning and bring her to vicky at the local clinic.

i'm so messed up about this. i really love that dog. an unconditional, unexplainable, heartfelt love. i hope my sweet doggie is okay. :(

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05.23.04 11:59 pm
rosa maria

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
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soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
