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today, i got a haircut. it is choppy and has

"rock-star-esque" qualities. i'll never be able to style it the way melissa did, though.

my talents do not lie in cosmotology. i am quite gurlie-gurl, but lacking when it comes to eyeshadow and hair-do's. i think i should have paid more attention in barbizon, 10 years back when my mother paid thousands for me to learn how to "be a model, or at least look like one." i may not have learned much from the sessions, but i got to be miss atlantic coast in the maine teen usa pageant.

yes, a pageant girl. what was i thinking? christ...and i loved it at that time...i really loved it. i didn't fit in well, but i sure as hell did like the attention. and i learned that duct-taping your boobs together makes for a nice display of teenage cleavage. my nipples haven't been the same since.

i feel like being shallow today. my thoughts are leaning towards the superficial tip, mostly because i am fixated on the nasty eruption of pimples on my chin. nothing like dry skin and zits to make you feel like a hidious creature. the mirror is mad at me, i think. and my pastey legs are scabbed up from an unfortunate rollerblading mishap.

my fingers are stained orange at the moment, from my breakfast of chex mix and poland spring water. my burps smell like peanuts.

i'm going to go earn my money now, and actually work.

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2001-04-26 1:39 p.m.

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
