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just want to go home. cubicle is beginning to smell bad.

slowly ingested an entire Galaxy bar and now have hazelnut stuck in my teeth.

i crave this chocolate hit once a month, and i'm assuming it is hormonal. i think i'm going to start blaming each and every ailment on hormones, starting with this lazy kick i am going thru. i have been late for work every day for the past 3 weeks. and when i say late, i mean over an hour or two late. yeah. slackers unite. mmhmm..

if i didn't have to sit here and invent work, i probably would have a slightly elevated level of motivation. instead, i take my time awaking from my dream-soaked slumber and make it here whenever i so choose. my showers are exsaggerated and consist of shaving from the neck down (well, i don't actually shave my neck), a bit of dangerous shower-dancing, and at least 15 minutes of freezing cold water on the face. and cleaning of thy body of course.

tonight i'm going to go home and get lost in a book. i just picked up pride & prejudice, can you believe i've never read it before? each female friend of mine raves about it, and claims to have read it innumerale times. (i can't spell that word correctly and don't feel like reaching for my dictionary so the incorrect version shall remain.) oh to get lost in my world of books and cd's and camel filters and grape gatorade. nerdos unite.

i want to go dancing. mmm...have an urge to get into stripping lately. what is wrong with me? i just want to move my hips and entrance men with my sensuality. i think i need a really sexual, sensual man. i think i need to get laid. how pathetic. i'm 25 years old (ouch, it hurts to say that) and for the first time in my (sex)life, i am hard-up so to speak. fack.

how does one get into the porn business?

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2001-07-03 4:13 p.m.
louise the tease

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
