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straight out, people are fucking stupid. stupid as shit. walking around the city today, i noticed how annoying everyone is. gaaaah.

having a bad day. everyones getting on my nerves. i woke up (an hour late) to no water in my apartment. i drove to work, behind some slow fucking moronic bastard. im sick of nicks hot and cold games, im ready to fucking tell him to go to fucking hell where his devilish, immature, weak mind belongs. he is so fucking insane, like his ignorant father. he is the same, a decietful, manipulating, mysterious pervert. i am beginning to hate him...when i see his face, i want to slap it. when i hear his voice i want to tell him how evil i think he is and that i think he is a pathetic drunk. he thinks he is better than everyone and thinks that lying is okay. he can go fuck himself. stupid fucking son of a pedofile.

josh is fucking annoying me....questioning me like fuck. fucking kid needs to loosen up and mind his fucking business. i know we are dating, but didn't adopt me...i am not his fucking child. son of a bitch.."do you still smoke pot or what? hwo much? well? what do you mean 'once in a while?'..what the fuck is that?" hey josh...FUCK YOU.

im so fucking sick of this. im 25 years old and so fucking frustrated, you don't even understand. i AM moving away from hopes of many things...finding stimulation, finding interesting people, finding myself, and finding culture. maine is a rotten hellhole pit, saturated with fuckwits and game-playing poseurs. image is everything here, and i just want to shatter the mirror in front of me.

hey boys.....YOU SMELL OF SHIT.

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2001-07-10 2:19 p.m.
what's that stench?

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i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
