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ancoras international - vintage goodies


yes im neurotic.

im growing my armpit hair out so i can have cindi wax it. i get some 5 o'clock shadow looking shit after just 4 hours of shaving.

my shirt is riding up at the waist and i feel like a ghetto trasher.

my birkenstocks stink today; wet leather isn't something i suggest wearing.

my hair smells like a dirty hat.

i'm going to start smoking cloves again. camels make my fingers and lips stink.

septum piercing or labret?

tattooed againt oday at 6 pm

just cashed a check for $603.00...let's get the fuck out of here.

nick's moving to AZ in Sept. he will meet and fuck some drunk Tempe gurl.

some superficial goals for 2001: pimp out car, paint livingroom pink, visit greg in london (am going in oct), lose 10 lbs, wear my glasses more often, start waking at 7:30AM,

journal daily...gaaaaaaaaah

junkies sun: i made a potato

alkee1976: i did too

junkies sun: bit of a chicken

junkies sun: and some green stuff

junkies sun: i ate it

junkies sun: it tasted quite nice

alkee1976: green stuff?

junkies sun: i wish i made more :P

junkies sun: vegetables or something? im not sure what it is

junkies sun: green and plant-like

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2001-07-10 2:25 p.m.

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
