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there are sexy gay men running around the streets of portland today. eeek!

there is an email in my mailbox right now with a picture of an intriguing and sweet boy named paul. i want to kiss him.

there are yucky lights in this office and they are giving me a headache.

josh is coming to visit me on lunch and i told him not to. he is starting to get under my skin, with all his questioning and his clinginess. he acts like we are some serious couple or something. hmm i just don't think so.

my tooth is still chipped. it is a tiny chip, but a chip nonetheless. it is hurting my tongue and i'm not pleased. i don't know if i should let mr dentist file it or cap it. shiiiit biiiitch.

someone just called my work asking for "courtney." there is no courtney here, but i told the lady that courtney moved to kansas. she was rather surprised.

my friend tina just got back from mexico. she is sick from the food. she said it was a wonderful cultural experience. she loves mexican culture. i'm glad she didn't mail me a burrito like i asked her to.

my birkenstocks stink again. these shoes are made for stinky hippi-types, i swear. at least i smell good though, i am covered in mango body butter. paul likes peach iced tea, i wonder if he would like it if i tasted like a peach. mmm he has soft lips. eeek, i think i have a crush. UNNGGG

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2001-08-31 3:10 p.m.
orange crush

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
