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mood: gassy!

i don't have much to say. i don't have anything special or interesting to say. i'm doped up on muscle relaxers because my uterus is slamdancing within my torso. and i have so much gas in my tummy that i could propel myself from this couch if i tried. lucky me.

linus is laying to my left, rosa is laying to my right. both are curled up and sleeping. how cute.

i feel ike a jerk because i didn't get liz anything for her birthday besides a card. i told her i'd bring her to lunch one afternoon this week. that's acceptable, isn't it?

jeepers, i have to toot.

so i'm thinking of erick on a daily basis these days. then i feel guilty about it and turn my thoughts to nick. what the hell is going on my brain? i wish i knew what to do... i have no idea which road to take with this one. that whole "follow your heart" doesn't help when your heart is confused.

more later. sorry to bore you.

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04.05.04 9:17 pm

last 5
i fail at this. - 12.05.04
scratchy hotel quilts & morning breathe - 10.02.04
boring - 09.24.04
soft copy - 08.18.04
unhealthy - 07.20.04
